How to choose the material of glass products?
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How to choose the material of glass products?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-09-27      Origin: Site

1. Soda-lime glass: Glasses, bowls, etc. for daily use are made of this material.

It is characterized by abruptly changing temperature differences.

For example, pour boiling water into a glass that has just been taken out of the refrigerator, and it is likely to burst.

In addition, it is not recommended to heat soda-lime glass products in a microwave oven, because there are also certain safety risks.

2. Borosilicate glass: This material is heat-resistant glass, and the common glass crisper sets on the market are made of it.

It is characterized by good chemical stability, high strength, and sudden temperature difference greater than 110°C.

In addition, this type of glass has good heat resistance and can be safely heated in a microwave or electric oven.





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